Rhinoceros National Park Nairobi

What to do during a stopover in Nairobi?

Make the most of your Nairobi layover with safari trips to Nairobi National Park and giraffe encounters at Langata Giraffe Center. Essential travel tips included!

When you stopover in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, you have the opportunity to discover some of the unique natural and cultural treasures of this beautiful East African country. Although your time may be limited, you can make the most of your stopover by taking part in organized excursions to the Nairobi National Park and the Giraffe Center in Langata. In this article, we'll explore these two must-see destinations and provide practical information to make your visit to Nairobi as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.

Excursion to Nairobi National Park

Nairobi National Park is an oasis of unspoilt nature located just a few kilometers from Nairobi's bustling city center. Founded in 1946, this world-famous park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including lions, leopards, rhinos, giraffes, zebras and more. Its proximity to the city makes it one of the only national parks in the world where iconic wildlife can be seen in its natural habitat while being surrounded by the urban landscape. This unique reserve therefore offers an unforgettable safari experience, even for travelers with little time to devote to their stopover.

Safari by car

One of the most popular ways to explore the park is by car safari. Led by experienced guides, these safaris offer a unique opportunity to observe iconic animals such as lions, leopards, rhinos, giraffes and zebras up close. The park's vast plains are dotted with waterholes where animals congregate, providing exceptional photography opportunities at every turn.

Guided hike

For those who prefer a more intimate approach to nature, guided hikes through the park are also available. Walking through the park's scenic trails offers a different perspective, allowing visitors to appreciate native flora and observe wildlife up close. Local guides share their knowledge of the park's flora, fauna and history, enriching each visitor's experience.

Ornithological observations

Birdwatching enthusiasts will also find what they are looking for in Nairobi National Park, which is home to a rich diversity of bird species. From marshes to forests to open plains, each habitat offers unique birding opportunities. Whether you're an experienced bird enthusiast or a novice, a day spent exploring the park's different ecosystems promises to be an enriching experience.

Visit to David Sheldrick's Elephant Orphan Center

Finally, an excursion to Nairobi National Park is not complete without a visit to the David Sheldrick Elephant Orphan Center. Founded in 1977, this center dedicated to elephant conservation welcomes and cares for orphaned baby elephants victims of poaching and other dangers. Visitors have the opportunity to meet these young elephants, learn their poignant story, and support critical conservation efforts to ensure a brighter future for these magnificent creatures.

By taking an excursion to Nairobi National Park, visitors have the chance to experience the magic of African wildlife in a unique and accessible setting. Whether on a driving safari, a guided hike or a visit to the elephant center, a day spent in this iconic park is an unforgettable experience for nature lovers of all ages.

Excursion to the Giraffe Center in Langata

The Giraffe Center at Langata is another must-see attraction in Nairobi, offering visitors the rare chance to get up close and interact with these elegant creatures. Founded in the 1970s by the late Jock Leslie-Melville and his wife Betty, this iconic center is committed to protecting and preserving the endangered Rothschild's giraffe population.

Meeting with the giraffes

One of the most memorable experiences at the Giraffe Center is the opportunity to meet these majestic creatures up close. Visitors have the opportunity to feed and caress the Rothschild giraffes under the careful supervision of the center's keepers. This unique interaction not only allows you to admire the grace and beauty of giraffes, but also to better understand their behavior and their natural habitat.

Visit to the information center

For an enriching educational experience, visitors can explore the park's information center, which offers an in-depth look at the conservation work carried out by the center. Informative panels, interactive exhibits and audio-visual presentations provide fascinating information about the history, biology and challenges faced by Rothschild's giraffes in the wild.

Participation in conservation programs

The Giraffe Center at Langata also offers conservation awareness programs for visitors of all ages. These programs include educational sessions on wildlife protection, guided tours of the center's facilities, and hands-on activities such as tree planting and giraffe habitat cleanup. By participating in these initiatives, visitors can actively contribute to the preservation of this emblematic species.

Exploration of the adjacent nature reserve

As a complement to the visit to the Giraffe Center, visitors have the opportunity to explore the adjacent nature reserve, which is home to a variety of wildlife and lush vegetation. Well-maintained hiking trails allow visitors to wander through picturesque landscapes and observe local wildlife in their natural habitat.

In conclusion, a visit to the Giraffe Center in Langata offers an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and conservation enthusiasts. By participating in interactive, educational and awareness activities, visitors have the opportunity to better understand and appreciate the beauty and conservation importance of Rothschild's giraffes, while creating lasting memories in the heart of nature Kenyan.

Budget to plan for a stopover with excursion to Nairobi

When planning your layover in Nairobi, it is important to consider your budget to maximize your hassle-free experience. Here are some things to consider:

Cost of excursions

Prices for excursions to Nairobi National Park and Langata Giraffe Center may vary depending on several factors, such as the duration of the excursion, the activities included and the services provided. It is recommended to compare the different options available and book in advance to get the best rates.

Visa fees

Be sure to budget for the cost of the visa to enter Kenya, which you can obtain on arrival at Nairobi International Airport or online before you depart. Visa fees vary depending on your nationality, so find out in advance to avoid surprises on arrival.


Also plan for transportation costs to travel between the airport and Nairobi's tourist sites. You can opt for taxis, shuttle services or public transport, depending on your budget and preference.

By taking these elements into account in your budget, you will be able to fully enjoy your stopover in Nairobi and your excursions without worrying about unforeseen expenses. Have a good trip !

Practical information for visiting Kenya

Before you jet off on an unforgettable adventure in Kenya, it is essential to familiarize yourself with some practical information to make your trip as smooth and enjoyable as possible:

Language and culture

Swahili is the national language of Kenya, but English is also widely spoken, especially in tourist and urban areas. Learning a few basic words in Swahili can be appreciated by locals and make your interactions easier. Additionally, becoming familiar with local customs and cultural traditions can enrich your travel experience.

Currency and money exchange

The official currency of Kenya is the Kenyan Shilling (KES). It is recommended to exchange your money at banks or official exchange offices to get the best exchange rate. Credit cards are widely accepted in large urban centers and tourist establishments, but it is advisable to also have cash for small transactions and in rural areas.

Travel documents

Before leaving for Kenya, make sure you have the necessary travel documents. Travelers must carry a valid passport with at least six months remaining validity from the intended date of entry into Kenya. Additionally, most visitors will need a visa to enter Kenya. Visas can be obtained at the Kenyan embassy or consulate in your home country, or on arrival at Nairobi International Airport for certain nationalities.

Health and medical precautions

Health and safety are important concerns when traveling to Kenya. Make sure you are up to date with your recommended vaccinations before traveling, including against yellow fever, malaria, typhoid fever and hepatitis A and B. It is also advisable to take precautions against insect bites using mosquito repellent, wearing long clothes and sleeping under an insecticide-treated mosquito net. Additionally, be sure to drink only bottled water, avoid uncooked or unpeeled foods, and carry basic medications for medical emergencies.

Climate and travel equipment

Kenya enjoys a tropical climate, with year-round warm temperatures in low-lying regions and seasonal variations in mountainous regions and near the equator. When traveling, be sure to bring light, comfortable clothing, as well as a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect against UV rays. If you plan to visit mountainous areas or go hiking, consider packing warm, waterproof clothing and sturdy hiking shoes.

Safety and travel advice

As a traveler to Kenya, it is important to remain aware of your surroundings and take appropriate safety precautions. Avoid carrying visible valuables and keep your personal belongings secure at all times. Also avoid traveling alone at night in urban areas and follow the advice of locals and guides for safe and enjoyable travel.

By following this practical information and taking necessary precautions, you will be well prepared for an unforgettable Kenya travel experience, filled with adventure, discovery and lasting memories. A stopover in Nairobi offers a unique opportunity to discover the rich natural and cultural diversity of Kenya. By participating in excursions to the Nairobi National Park and the Giraffe Center in Langata, you will have the opportunity to create unforgettable memories and live authentic experiences in the heart of African nature.

Note: The information provided in this article is based on current research and may be subject to change. It is recommended to check specific information and travel requirements before your departure.